BioGarden Capital

BioGarden Capital

Mona Jhaveri, PhD, is the founder of Music Beats Cancer, a non-profit that organizes music events to fund promising new cancer treatment techno­logies. Mona approached me to provide a brand design for MBC’s new sister company, an investment fund called BioGarden Capital. BioGarden Capital expands on the MBC mission by directly providing early stage funding to innovative cancer technology startups before they fall into a financial “Valley of Death.” Mona requested that the blue already used by MBC also be present in the BioGarden brand.

Mona Jhaveri, PhD, is the founder of Music Beats Cancer, a non-profit that organizes music events to fund promising new cancer treatment techno­logies. Mona approached me to provide a brand design for MBC’s new sister company, an investment fund called BioGarden Capital. BioGarden Capital expands on the MBC mission by directly providing early stage funding to innovative cancer technology startups before they fall into a financial “Valley of Death.” Mona requested that the blue already used by MBC also be present in the BioGarden brand.