

UI and branding concepts for a hypothetical

e-commerce app. I refined the idea through research interviews and persona development, user-tested rough wireframe flows, and pursued a rigorous branding process to design the final look. “Agora” is an “anti-Amazon” app that seeks to help small, local businesses compete with big-box firms by easing and incentivizing the online shopping process for customers. Agora’s brand aims to communicate a combination of familiarity and openness with bespoke quality by referencing traditional, hand-painted signage.

UI and branding concepts for a hypothetical

e-commerce app. I refined the idea through research interviews and persona development, user-tested rough wireframe flows, and pursued a rigorous branding process to design the final look. “Agora” is an “anti-Amazon” app that seeks to help small, local businesses compete with big-box firms by easing and incentivizing the online shopping process for customers. Agora’s brand aims to communicate a combination of familiarity and openness with bespoke quality by referencing traditional, hand-painted signage.